ICSFA-2023 | |||||||||||||
How to ReachJaipur is well connected by AIR/TRAIN/ROAD. Nearest International Airport: Jaipur International Airport (JAI) -13 KM Other International Airport Direct/Connecting Flights: Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi (DEL) FROM JAIPUR AIRPORT TO VGU: Taxi/Cab: You can hire a taxi directly from the airport. The drive to the university takes around 30 minutes. Public Transport: There are buses available from the airport to various parts of Jaipur, including Jagatpura, where VGU is located. BY TRAIN: Railway Stations: 1. Jaipur Junction Railway Station (JP) -21 KM 2. Gandhinagar Jaipur Railway Station (GADJ)- 16 KM 3. Durgapura Railway Station (DPA): 16 KM FROM THE RAILWAY STATION TO VGU: 1. Taxi/Cab: 50 minutes. 2. Metro: You can take the Jaipur Metro from nearby stations and then switch to a taxi or bus for the last leg of the journey. 3. Bus: Public buses run from Jaipur Junction to various parts of the city. You can take a bus towards Ajmer Road and switch to another bus or auto-rickshaw towards VGU. BY ROAD: New Delhi to Jaipur: Approximately 270 KM via NH48. Travel time is around 6 hours by car or bus.